23 mars 2009

Det där med liberalism, vad är det?

Jag har i länkförteckningen lagt till en faktasida om liberalismen. Sidan heter Libweb och handlar om liberalismen, om liberaler i Sverige och världen, liberala reformer etc.


Jag tycker mig ha observerat att (oväntat) många politiska bloggare hävdar liberala värden. Ofta utan att själva alltid sätta etiketten liberal på sig. Samtidigt möter jag ofta märkliga uttalanden om liberaler och liberalism, speciellt då från personer som anser sig vara av något slags "vänsterinriktning" (utan att de vet att liberal är vänster), men lika ofta från högerdebattörer, som då och då betecknar sig som nyliberaler.

Ofta blandar liberalismens kritiker ihop liberalismen och folkpartiet. Förklarligt i och för sig, då fp länge stod för liberalismen i svensk politik, och då framför allt socialliberalismen. Men idag är det inte så, anser jag.
Därför bör man göra klart för sig innan man debatterar om det är fp eller liberalismen man angriper!

Libweb kan hjälpa till att reda ut detta.

Här några smakprov från Libweb.
"Liberaler bekämpar all maktkoncentration. Varje koncentration av makt – till stat, företag eller organisationer – kan leda till att individens rättigheter och integritet förtrampas. Dessutom hindras nya idéer, nya produkter och nya lösningar på gamla problem. Fri konkurrens mellan idéer, information, varor och tjänster är grunden för vetenskap, kultur, demokrati och marknadsekonomi. Den är ett kraftfullt redskap för att bekämpa maktkoncentration och stimulera utveckling. "

Känns inte detta som en kraftfull plädering emot FRA-lagen, IPRED och ACTA?

"Liberalismens reformkrav betydde att liberalerna definierades som vänster – i kontrast till högern som höll på kungamakt, ståndsriksdag och skråväsende. Det går igen i liberala partinamn i Norge och Danmark – Venstre och Radikale Venstre."

"Med Bertil Ohlin infördes på 1930-talet benämningen socialliberalism... Men ordet och företeelsen är äldre – den första socialliberala programskriften i Sverige brukar anses vara Adolf Hedins socialpolitiska riksdagsmotion från 1884."

"Ordet nyliberalism har använts vid olika historiska tidpunkter av liberaler som velat markera att de står för en annan form av liberalism än den som just då dominerat. Termen har alltså inget eget historiskt innehåll. Under senare år har dock uttrycket nyliberalism ibland kommit att användas om en åskådning som lägger stor vikt vid ekonomisk frihet och ser många politiska åtgärder, t.ex. inom social- och kulturpolitiken, med stor skepsis. I en del fall är det dock snarare fråga om en ”kapitalistisk anarkism” än om liberalism i ordets hävdvunna mening."

På libweb finns också några citat av kända liberaler, både av svenskar och andra.

1 kommentar:

Marc sa...

öööh, Det är intressant inlägg och säkert kan man diskutera mycket på den politisk-filosofisk arenan vad är Liberalism och Nyliberalism...ändå verkar det råda en allmän acceterad startskottet för nyliberalism som ekonomisk doktrin: R. Reagan oCh M. Theacher på tidigt 80-talet. Innan dess hade det implementeras endast i Chile under Pinochet, var det kraschade redan 82 med liknande konsvenser som vi ser idag...fast på lokal nivå naturligtvis.. Hur som helst om man lämnar de "principer" liberalimen säger sig försvara anser jag att det hela en charade som egentligen "de som vet" inte bryr sig ett dugg! Här är min parodi på nyliberalismen...

Open Letter to Dick “Darth Vader” Cheney about the Economic-Financial Crisis and the PPIP (or PPIF), Please Stop Johan Norberg Right Away!
Posted in Blogroll on March 26, 2009 by D-Train

Dear Dick,

I write to you seeking some advice. I explain my problem. As you know we had a great time since the 80´s when Ronny took the White House…maybe do you remember all the fun we had with the guys, especially Milton, when we planned how to get out all those idiots and get theirs money. The plan was terrific: tell them that anyone could be rich if they let us to become even richer! It was a master move! Since tell them that if we got even more money some will “trickle down to them” haha and the “positive growth trend” hihi we created with “our own money creation approach” for 30 years ago or “The cash machine” as Milton used to refer it. Oh, Boy what a time!! Great Fun!! I had to recognise that Milton was a genius, R.I.P old boy! What a story!

Anyway, as you probably had heard some stuff had not been working properly the last year. Some of the guys from “the Street” got high with so much easy money and begun to sell some “insurance” to everyone without a penny in reserve, I think that they called the papers CDS or something like that. They got to idea from some Chinese guy that was working with the probability of a kid get cancer, his parents divorced, his best mate killed and his dog poison in the same time…almost zero. So they used the same arguments to sell a lot of those papers to idiots around the world, now saying that the probability that they papers loose all their value was zero, according to the formula! Great idea! READ THE WHOLE ENCHILADA

Well, the problem was, as you know now, that the prices went down…you know I think the guys had a debt mountain of some trillions and had no a single penny… well , no some money they are prepared to take back from the Cayman islands anyway. So we talked with the guys in Washington and told them that they had to pump up some cash or otherwise the whole enchilada would explode in the front of their face! They believe us again the jackasses!! Incredible! I asure you that tall will be fine. The guys from D.C. presented no problem as expected, you know that they are good people, decent people…our people.

No, the problem is that now the idiots from “main street” as we call them now have begun to protest and to ask a lot of questions…Why the government has to support us, where the money is coming from, what about the schools and the pensionfunds and a lot of shit…I’m completely convinced that the idiots that have nothing more to do and are sitting all the day in front of theirs computer surfing and bloging are part of the problem and I think that we have to address this issue rather sooner than later…we can not permit, after lying hundreds of millions in TV stations , newspapers and other stuff, that some frustrated commies take down all this “educational afford”! You know, as a security measure we employed only “people with the right mental disposition” i.e. people that support our way of seeing the world (most of them unfortunately are not “true believers” but only people seeking our gratifications…bonuses they call them now I believe), but the blogers are taking down the charade…We have certainly stop them asap! READ THE WHOLE ENCHILADA

Even worst is the fact that some jackass are arguing in public that we had to leave the “free market” works! It is quite worrying that there are some idiots out there that still believe all the crap we talked them. We had successfully pumped up theirs brains with some illusions that those jackasses still defend, but now there are others time my friend! We told the idiots about “free markets” and we talk about something about “democracy” and “liberty”… which of course we mean “liberty of action for us”…as when we talk about “free markets” we mean of course ” free for us” …As you explain for us for long time ago.I don’t remember exactly how we put the whole charade, cause I had at the time a terrible hangover…Well I can tell you that as we own almost all media it was not difficult to pumping out all this bullshit without any problem… But now we are experience some problems with those “hard core” people that still is arguing about “the free market” and other stuff…they are really making a hell for us! They don’t understand that the time for such rubbish is over…We have to stop them before they damage us! This is what happens when you mix idiots with the people that really know what is all about!! I hate those amateurs!

They are talking a lot of crap: That our guys in Washington don’t need to give us some cash, that the “market” is going to solve the whole thing and other bullshit! Ok, we told them to say that the last 30 years and it was working pretty well until it doesn’t… but those idiots don’t understand the point: it was as long as we got the money…and if we don’t get the cash in this way there is not point in continue with the charade! Now, we have to argue that Uncle Sam has to help us for the benefit of everyone and the nation (of course just help us …not take our money and leave us naked) …but those people, the market “liberals”, are really causing us some problems with their rubbish about the “free market”, the “invisible hand” and other stupidity!

I ask you what we can do now. We have certainly shut up those idiots before they damage us seriously and more and more people begin to ask questions!

For instance, lately the mob had begun to ask about the bonuses! That it was too much money and stuff like that…you know…the problem is that before we could tell them that it was necessary to do a “good job”…you know…but now when every idiot knows that we lost control ( and some trillions of dollars) what can we say?

We have to be really creative this time! The piece of art will be to explain to the mob why they have to give us their tax money, without requiring anything from us and respecting the sacred “private property” i.e. our property! Ours banks! and in the same time we get our “well deserved share” of this money!

It will require a lot of inventive talent and audacity. It is because of that I write to you dear Dick.

Sincerely yours

P. Wolfowitz or Wolfi for you…;=)

PS: Say Hello to Donald and “Georgi” when you see them!

PS2: The good news are that last Monday the guys from Washington come with a genial idea how to give us some money without so much questions: they called the giving away for “ Public-private-Investment –Fund” PPIF, I tell you it is a terrific deal. They give us say between 90 and 95 cents for buying something that as most is worth 5-20 cent, but with the face value of 1 dollar. If some idiots pay in the future say 1 dollar and 5 cent, we keep the diff of 10 cent (105-95), this is a 100 % return to our “investment” of 5 cent!! But, here is the magical with the arrangement: if we can not find some jackass that buys the junk paper we have not to pay at all the 95 cent we “borrow” to buy them in the first place!! Genial! All to save the economy (our economy dude) !! Hehe. Ohh these boys in Washington!!