
29 september 2009

En notis om en katastrof

Som de flesta bör veta, om inte annat av smärre notiser i dagspress och superkorta inslag i radio och teve så har Filippinerna drabbats av ännu en naturkatastrof, tyfonen Ondoy följd av störtregn och översvämningar. Denna gång är det Manilaområdet i Luzon som drabbats. Minst ett par hundra döda rapporteras och bortåt en halv miljon har blivit hemlösa. Och regeringen vädjar om hjälp utifrån. En ny tyfon verkar dessutom vara på väg om ett par dagar.

Självfallet behövs mycket hjälp. Det går till exempel genom olika hjälporganisationer. Det filippinska Röda korset är en. Jag fick dessa uppgifter (inklusive länk till RK) om hur hjälpa konkret.

Monetary Donations

1. CASH or CHECK Please send cash or check donations to the PNRC National Headquarters in Manila. Checks should be made payable to The Philippine National Red Cross. We can also arrange for donation pick-up.

2. BANK DEPOSIT Account Name: The Phil. Nat’l. Red Cross

METROBANK Port Area BranchPeso Acct.: 151-3-041-63122-8Dollar Acct.: 151-2-151-00218-2Type of Acct. : SAVINGSSwift Code: MBTC PH MM

BANK OF THE PHIL. ISLANDS Port Area BranchPeso Acct.: 4991-0010-99Type of Account: CURRENTBANK OF THE PHIL. ISLANDS
UN BranchDollar Acct.: 8114-0030-94Type of Account: SAVINGSSwift Code: BOPI PH MM

For your donations to be properly acknowledged, please fax the bank transaction slip at nos. +63.2.527.0575 or +63.2.404.0979 with your name, address and contact number.

Credit Card
Please fax the following info to +632.404.09.79 and +632.527.0575: Name of card member, billing address, contact nos. (phone & mobile), credit card no., expiration date, CCV2/ CVC2 (last three digits at the back of the credit card), billing address, amount to be donated.

For online donations you may also visit our website at .

Send a letter of intent to donate to the PNRCA letter of acceptance from PNRC shall be sent back to the donor
Immediately after shipping the goods, please send the (a) original Deed of Donation, (b) copy of packing list and (c) original Airway Bill for air shipments or Bill of Lading for sea shipments to The Philippine National Red Cross–National Headquarters c/o Secretary General Corazon Alma de Leon, Bonifacio Drive, Port Area, Manila 2803, Philippines.
The PNRC does not accept rotten, damaged, expired or decayed goods. Though we appreciate your generosity, the PNRC also discourages donations of old clothes as we have more than enough to go around.
SMS and G-CASH (Globe) SMStext REDAMOUNT to 2899 (Globe) or 4483 (Smart)G-CASHtext DONATEAMOUNT4-digit M-PINREDCROSS to 2882
Most urgent needs
Food items: Rice, noodles, canned goods, sugar, iodized salt, cooking oil, monggo beans and potable waterMedicines: Paracetamol, antibiotics, analgesic, oral rehydration salts, multivitamins and medications to treat diarrheal diseases
Non-food items: Bath soaps, face towels, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, plastic mats, blankets, mosquito nets, jerry cans, water containers, water purification tablets, plastic sheetings, and Laundry soap
Rehabilitation Programs: Shelter materials for house repair Call Hotline 143 or 527.0000

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